Tag writing

Are you following YOUR path?

Are you following your path

Are you following YOUR path? Do you know where you’re going? Are you feeling confident that this is YOUR path? It’s taken me YEARS to feel that confidence. But the more I work with women on their books, the more…

10 ways to put your writing cap on

Put your writing cap on

1. Track your cycle or/and the moon cycle alongside your creativity and mood. Within three months/cycles, you will have a fair idea of when you tend to be at your most creative. Keep those days for writing ONLY – plan…

Creativity and your cycle

Creativity and the cycle

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and start having tons of great ideas and think ‘I could actually get up and write – it’s so peaceful, I have so many ideas…’ but then perhaps think:…

What I love about you…

Book love

Do you know what I love about you? That I don’t even need to explain to you what I do. My ‘job title’ – my ‘passion title’ – says it all to the kind of client I want to work…

Olfactory anchors

Olfactory anchors

THE ANCHORING SERIES 1. Olfactory anchors (smell) This is the first of five posts that will help you create a routine in your writing and the environment for your writing. Anchoring means associating something that you can detect with one…